Friday, February 26, 2010

Thinking! something my brain shouldn't do.

So I'm easily entertained by the little things in life. Not always a good thing but it happens.

When a person like me gets to thinking bad things happen. Not always physically but mentally bad things happen. Some people would hide in fear for what goes on in my head. Others who are just as scary as me embrace it and they get me.

One night my friend and her bf asked me to go to the park with them. I said sure seeing as I only live a block away. Well her and her bf decided to dance to her ipod in the gazebo. While I sat on an old wooden swing my brain did some of it's thinking. Over the creek and across the street was a dentists office. Well it was late everyone was home watching tv or whatever they do when they got off work except at this dentists office. Well as I sat there I saw people walking around the office I was a little suspicious. The images that came to my head were dastardly. I started to imagine that there was some office affair going down. No one kissed anyone except for the two in said gazebo. Anyways then I got to thinking what if they were getting robbed or something. So I sat there on that swing waiting for the gun shot and blood splatter on the big windows in that office. It never happened I was a little sad I must say. Then I look to my right through the chain of the swing and two wooden beams holding it up I saw the dancing couple. All I could think was this would be a cool scary movie I could totally snipe them from here. Obviously I didn't, wanted to cause it would be epic, but didn't.

Now and again my brain will find ways to scare me. whether it be something from a scary movie that I've never seen to everyday life. My brain is a mind of it's own. Although you have only scratched the surface of my thinking process. Next time you have the chance. Listen to "The Rake's Song" by The Decemberists. for a half hour straight. Now think about every window you pass with an innocent person in it. Will you think of someone slitting their throats or getting shot? You now know I do, why not try it and see how it goes from there.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Life. it's a funny thing

Life. It's funny isn't it? I mean we live our lives like mindless drones. Wandering the earth waiting for something to happen. Whether we go out and do it or sit here wasting away to nothing it all ends the same. DEATH. It's inevitable we can try to avoid it but it always comes. Little do you know people are dying as you read this, you are dying as this is being read and whether you wanna stop it or not it's still coming.

Life. It's funny is it not? You live for a purpose. What? You might not know yet, but you live to figure it out. Maybe you wanna be something, but you don't think you could ever become that one thing. When instead you become five or six different things. Anywhere from janitor, teacher to brain surgeon or astronaut. Anything you wanna be you can you just have to pursue it. I could tell you to reach to the stars but why stop there when there are robots on mars reach beyond that to become all you can.

Life. It's a funny thing isn't it. Well it is if you think about it. From the time in our mothers womb we are nothing but a round ball multiplying into millions of cells till we begin to form. After we look like little peanuts we start to grow. We gain little hands and feet and fingers and toes we even grow hair. It's hard to believe that what we are now was formed from a little egg. The way we were raised tells a lot about us and are parental units. How we act can determine the future for tomorrow and days to come. Whether we like it or not life is what it has always been. A way to learn, a way to pass on our knowledge from one person to the next. To love, to breathe, to hurt, to laugh these are all things Life is about.

Life. Funny ain'ts it. Life has several things good and bad. Good: Life, love, laughter, friendships, relationships, and family all are good right. Bad: Death, losing love friendships relationships and family. Yes all is fair in love and war but still everyone wants peace and sanity in their lives whether they get it or not is up to them. They......They are the ones who determine their futures their paths of life. My advise to anyone reading this. Do what you want within reason and life will be all you want it to be lay back and watch the bad stuff pass you by. Yes things you don't want to happen will but either way you look at it, it happened for a reason.

Life. It's the darnedest thing isn't it.