Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mental state of Mind

“You’re fat” “You’re ugly” “You’ll never amount to anything” “You’re not talented” “Stop being two-faced” “You’re a horrible friend” “You need a boyfriend” “My boyfriend just broke up with me” “Can you drive me” “That girl is a bitch” “Did you hear” “You’ll never understand” “You’re so uncaring” “You’re a cold heartless bitch”

All these things running through her head over and over and over again, She’s pacing the room not knowing what to do. Yelling at herself, yelling at the voices in her head. As she paces she flails her arms up and down and side to side in the air, it her right hand she has a butcher’s carving knife, covered in blood.

The room is dark except for the little table lamp that is knocked down on the floor, there are shadows being cast upon the wall that the lamp is facing. She is hysterical, not knowing what to do. All of a sudden all goes quiet; unaware what has happened her insanity blinding her from reality. She walks up to a mirror, amongst the cracks in the mirror she makes out a figure standing there, she can’t tell who or what this is but it appears to be one of the scariest things she has ever seen. She wipes the blood off the mirror with her white handkerchief she jumps at the sight, this figure that scared her, that figure is her.

Blood soaked clothes, it’s splattered everywhere. She looks around, the room it appears to be spinning. She sees all of her loved ones from her family to her friends on the floor, throats slit, hearts stabbed, and eyes full of fear. “It just happened.” She said as she drops the knife, and falls to her knees onto the blood soaked floor, and weeps into her hands. All the things said to her in the past that she said didn’t bother her, that she just shrugged off; built up into this massive bottle of sadness, anger, and weaknesses. Once it exploded there was no stopping it.

The neighbors had heard the blood curdling screams and called the authorities. When they finally arrived it was all over. They cuffed her and all she could say was “It just happened.”
All that was said, became ALL that was done.


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